Playing Favorites with Public Funds

A majority of the Johnson County Kansas Board of Commissioners have demonstrated that their last concern is the tax burden on citizens of the county. Their decisions over the last 3-1⁄2 years indicate a predilection for enriching private not-for-profit entities, developers, and new (but not existing) businesses. Commissioners Allenbrand and...

Did You Know?

In the Johnson County 2022 county wide commission chairman race, there were 19,992 under votes. That is over 8% of voters who did not cast their vote in this critical local election. That’s correct, over 8% of voters participating in the November 2022 general election chose to leave their ballot blank on the race for...

JoCo Election Office dealing with wrong address on 43,441 return envelopes from Center for Voter Information nonprofit

On Wed. morning the Johnson County Election office posted a message on X about an address error in a return envelope for advance ballot applications orchestrated by the nonprofit Center for Voter Information. A Sept. 4 email from the Center for Voter Information to the Kansas Secretary of State’s office (obtained from an...